Alyssa Mercante's discussions

Alyssa Mercante
Senior editor at Kotaku. FPS freak. Cat rescuer. Spritz drinker. Fashion wearer. Definitely more than 33% Italian. Tips:

$150 for a 70s-era YSL is a steal, babes!

Moira skins are bookie. Half of them obfuscate her gold weapons. Signed, a Moira one-trick

How did we spoil last week’s episode, please, enlighten me.

He was in the episode from last week. 

Bruh he was in the last episode.

*She* did not defend TROS, she simply pointed out a single good scene from it. 

No it was just incredibly hot so in between bike time I’d always strip back down into my sports bra. This pic was taken *after* we were totally done. 

how did you guys turn this into a WoT blog

We fixed, that was an edit error!

For me it was a bit of Clara, and a whole lot of the inconsistency episode-to-episode after Chibnall took over. Moffat drove me nuts in a lot of ways, but I felt like his seasons were still, by and large, pretty solid. Then I, too, had trouble accessing Whittaker’s episodes, and when I did catch an odd one or two they Read more

That’s why we didn’t link to them!

I think it’ll increase my healing output as well! I just worry that now, DPS-leaning Moiras will throw out damage orbs more and go “i’m getting my heals back!” in situations where they should def throw a healing orb. We shall seeeee

Carter 3 was a top 5 album for me

For me this comes from playing FPS titles. If I consider the character to be an extension of myself, then I think of the left joystick as the top of my head. Pulling back looks up, pushing forward looks down.